Photo Gallery: The Verb Hotel launches its pool party season as Vanyaland turns 2

The Verb Hotel

The V Unit was in full effect this past Saturday, as Vanyaland and the Verb Hotel joined forces for a spectacular summer jump-off. For us here at Vanyaland, we were celebrating our second anniversary, while the Verb was launching their highly anticipated pool season.

Usually when two V’s come together you get a W. When the Verb and Vanya come together you get full-frontal awesome.

Shout out to our DJs for the afternoon, Dave and Nate from Bearstronaut, as well as the fine folks from Narragansett, Tasty Burger, and the for helping make Saturday a party for the ages. Even the weather held up.

In between splash downs and bites of those tasty-ass burgers (and them tots), Laurie Dowd snapped a bunch of pics to helps us remember the action. And as we look out on a rainy Boston Monday, we need this visual throwback to a better time.

See you at the pool for Round 2. Stay tuned.