You’re Invited: Vanyaland’s 2nd anniversary and Verb Hotel pool season launch party

Now that the dust has settled on Boston Calling and the Center Of It All weekend, it’s time to hit the pool.

In style.

Vanyaland is proud to unveil its two-year anniversary party this Saturday, May 30 at the Verb Hotel, a joint event that also kicks off the long-awaited pool season at the Boylston Street boutique space. So yes, we’re throwing a pool party.

Join us from noon to 3 p.m. as Bearstronaut spin the tunes, Narragansett provides the refreshments, and Tasty Burger supplies the snacks.

Space is extremely limited, so RSVP and get on the list by clicking the following link:

[add_single_eventon id=”105421″ show_excerpt=”yes” show_exp_evc=”yes” ]

Once gates open this Saturday, it becomes a first-come, first-served event. And since this party is a pool party, there are a limited number of spaces available.

Don’t forget your bathing suit.

Vanyland Pool Party copy