Vanyaland Premiere: Adam PC bundle up in pop warmth for ‘Windy (With A Chance Of Stupid)’

A few weeks ago Marilyn Manson was sucker punched during an unexpected late-night dust-up with an aggressive crew of fans at a Denny’s in Canada. The story made international headlines, but here in Boston it brought to mind two things: One, it’s weird there are only like three Denny’s locations in Eastern Massachusetts, and two, hey remember that song by Adam PC from a few years ago called “Fat Goths At Denny’s”?

The Manson incident gave us a good excuse to dust off the 2012 track from the humorous Boston electronic rock band, and lead us down the rabbit hole of wondering when we’d get new music from ringleader Adam Preston Cissell and his merry crew of musical misfits.

And now that day is today.

This morning, Adam PC dropped a new track dripping with deadpan-pop deliciousness in “Windy (With A Chance Of Stupid),” which Cissell describes as “an upbeat rock song chronicling the absurd wintertime antics that occur both inside and outside night clubs of the ‘meat market’ variety.”

“Windy (With A Chance Of Stupid)” reminds us a bit of the Vaccines or a more hardcore-punk version of They Might Be Giants, but with a lyrical content that anyone from Boston can relate to, especially after this winter. The new single, premiering on Vanyaland today, is available for free download via the Adam PC Bandcamp, and comes with twi inspired covers, Alice Cooper’s “Clones (We’re All)” and Fiona Apple’s “Criminal.”

The latter should be the next single, but only if Adam PC re-enact the famous ’90s video. Maybe they can shoot it inside a Denny’s after midnight.

Listen to “Windy (With A Chance Of Stupid)” below, and check out the cover art down below, which features a new take on the Morton’s salt girl…

Windy Cd Cover