Divine Interception: This person wants to be your ‘human shield’ at tonight’s Slayer show

As we all know by now, Slayer will be playing the Sinclair tonight for the Hump Day edition of Converse’s ongoing Rubber Tracks Live series. What we also know is that it’s going to get pretty intense, what with the metal titans throwing down at the 525-person capacity Harvard Square rock club. It’ll definitely be a bit more violent than last night’s Passion Pit show.

So one Slayer fan wants to have your back.

And all you have to do is offer the enterprising metalhead’s your +1, and you can roll into the Sinclair with a “free human shield.” The RSVP list closed last week, and since then, people have been getting creative in how to score a way into the venue.

But this “human shield” offer sounds like the best deal. Here’s the Craig’s List ad, and hat tip to DJ T-Rex for the head’s up.

Free human shield to tonight’s Slayer show

Title pretty much says it all. Bring me with you and I’ll act as a human barrier to the sea of fists and headbutts. Also can double as the horse in a Roman chariot or provide a step up for crowdsurfing. All you need to do is get me in the door.

Massachusetts metal bands Doomriders and Rozamov open the show. No word on whether the flesh protection extends to the other bands.

Here’s what will be stuffed into the Sinclair tonight…
