Bitch Better Have My Munchies: Here’s Rihanna looking for tasty snacks at a Duane Reade

Stoners everywhere are celebrating 420 today, and here on the East Coast the clock just whipped past 4:20 p.m. So to celebrate, let’s all put down the bong and watch a clumsy video of Rihanna wandering around a Duane Reade drugstore with a fierce case of the munchies.

We know that last part because the “Bitch Better Have My Money” singer says “munchies!” right at the beginning of the video.

And if you stick around long enough, the clip cuts to Ri-Ri in the car somewhere singing along to Aerosmith’s “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing.”

We all been there.

As far as the snack hunt goes, it looks like Rihanna scored herself some Pringles, Cheetos, and possibly some Apple Jacks (in a cup!). The cries for Fruit Loops early in the clip appear to have gone unanswered. And the store was probably sold out of Doritos.

So… that pretty much covers it for today.

Original Video – More videos at TinyPic

#420 x #hawaii x #badgal

A video posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on

[h/t Jezebel]