I Should Cocoa Puffs? ‘Alright’ by Supergrass featured in Frosted Mini-Wheats TV ad

Earlier this year former Supergrass frontman Gaz Coombes had some choice words for Britpop while promoting his new solo record, Matador.

“Maybe when I’ve hung up my sideburns then I can wallow in the past glories or something,” he told the Guardian. “There were lots of bands around back then, and some of them haven’t dated very well. I think Britpop was a bit overblown; it was only a handful of really decent bands.”

He also scoffed at any potential Supergrass reunion: “But there’s not going to be any kind of reunion; I think there needs to be some more water under the bridge. I’ve seen it a few times, this readiness to reunite and do a lucrative tour. But you’ve got to miss a band before they come back.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean Supergrass, who officially broke up in 2010, has truly gone away — one of their biggest hits, “Alright,” is now featured in a Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats television commercial. Watch it below.

We’ll spare any “In It For The Money” quips, because a) who can blame them? And b) they probably had no say in this placement. But those people in the commercial look very happy. And if a Britpop band was ever gonna shill for cereal, we guess it has to be Supergrass.

I Should Coco, without the Puffs, by the way, turns 20 years old on May 15.