Ugh City: This dude rolled up to Coachella wearing an ‘Eat Sleep Rape Repeat’ t-shirt

Turns out the Madonna kiss wasn’t the most offensive thing to happen at Coachella this past weekend.

Some guy, pictured blew, decided it was a good idea to rock a t-shirt with EAT SLEEP RAPE REPEAT in big-ass capital letters on the front. A very shitty pun on Beardyman’s “Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat” EDM mantra, we… we… well we just don’t know what’s worse: that someone made this shirt, or the guy who decided to wear it at a major music festival (or anywhere else, really).

Chances are it was the same guy on both counts.

As the image below started circulating, you can image that, naturally, people aren’t feeling it. Coachella returns for its second weekend on Friday, so let’s hope this guy either stays home or gets some much-needed fashion advice.

[h/t Jezebel]