Pulverized: Riff Raff’s bodyguard delivers a devastating tackle to a stage-invading fan

When the rapper, reality TV personality, and One Direction hopeful renaissance man known as Riff Raff played the Sinclair back in January, we couldn’t help but notice how jacked he’d become.

Turns out, his bodyguards are even bigger. And they are not afraid to throw some weight around.

In a video that’s now circulating online, a stage-invading fan at a recent Riff Raff show gets more than he bargained for, and it’s the same old story: concertgoer jumps up on stage, and instead of a high-five, gets destroyed by the artist or some we-don’t-play-that-shit sideline muscle.

Some are saying this video was staged for publicity, but if so, buy that fan a Pepsi, because he earned it.

Also great is the way the “OHHHH” from the crowd loops into a nice rhythmic pattern in the Vine. The security dude then throws the kid back into the sea of flesh like those guys on Wicked Tuna when they disappointingly realize the fish they caught is too small to keep.

Peep it below.

And here’s video:

[h/t Uproxx]