Oh Krap: The Kars 4 Kids jingle has made the jump from radio to television

For the past several years, the Kars 4 Kids jingle has terrorized radio listeners across the country. Chances are it’s now stuck in your head.

You know it by heart. The dopey piano. The annoying kid. The creepy old guy. It’s probably one of the most recognizable radio jingles of all time.

And now, it’s heard on television.

Apparently, back in November the much-maligned New Jersey-based vehicle donation program premiered its first TV ad, featuring young new wavy children rocking out in Vanyaland colors. We must have missed all the news reports four months ago celebrating this remarkable evolution, so it was quite the surprise when we had our first tube experience last night while watching Shark Tank.

Welcome to the rest of our lives.

Donate your car today.