Paydaze: That time a young band offered a music writer $1,000 to get a write-up in Pitchfork

Remember that time a young, presumably well-intentioned band offered a national music writer $1,000 to get a write-up in Pitchfork? Of course, because it just happened.

Music writer Devon Maloney, whose work has appeared in Grantland, Billboard, Vanity Fair, and others (including the Boston Phoenix, *sniff*), received an email from a young band recently offering some serious cash for some easy-breezy publicity in Pitchfork.

The inquiry is readable in full via Twitter down below, and names have been blurred out to protect the offender.

The offer doesn’t specify if the desired “review/article” has to be positive, but you know what they say, you gotta be in it to win it. And in this case, we’re not talking $1 lottery tickets, but a $1,000 hookup.

Maloney doesn’t call out the band by name, but the sentiment is enough. And while we’re sure emails like this get sent to writers about a hundred times a day, it’s always fun to see one come up to the social media surface.