Double-decker bus with Morrissey’s face on it not crashing into anybody in Belfast

By now we all know that if a double-decker bus crashes into us, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. But how heavenly is that type of death if the double-decker bus is graced by the face of Morrissey?

There are lights that never go out, and then there are questions that rarely get answered.

Fortunately, this pink double-decker bus below hasn’t crashed into anyone or anything yet. The photo below was snapped by Belfast bakery Treat Boutique and shows off the former Smiths’ singer’s good side in promoting his March 24 show at Odyssey Arena.

The destination of the bus is unknown, but we’re sure it’s headed someplace where there’s music and there’s people who are young and alive.

We assume.

In related news, no one has yet to find that ten-ton truck depicting Johnny Marr.

[h/t We Are Mozzerians]