Cooper Union: Type Two Error ring the ‘Death Bell’ in foreboding new single

I’ve never missed a band quite like I miss the Cooper Temple Clause, so I’ve been eagerly following the output of Type Two Error. Featuring former Clausos Ben Gautrey and Kieran Mahon, Type Two Error’s sound is like that of a grown-up Cooper Temple Clause.

Type Two Error’s latest track “Death Bell,” officially out today, is a full-on sonic assault. After a foreboding guitar intro, Gautrey barks over heavy guitars — he’s unleashing hell, indeed — making “Death Bell” is reminiscent of Kick Up the Fire and Let the Flames Break Loose-era Cooper Temple Clause. It’s aggressive and dark. Unlike other Type Two Error tracks, “Death Bell” is light on synthesizers and relies more on hard-hitting guitars.

The London-based Type Two Error will play their first show of 2015 on February 28 at the Exchange in Stoke-on-Trent, so you now have two weeks to know this new track by heart…

Type Two Error Live