Master of Trumpets: Classic metal album covers get reimagined as old jazz records

Earlier in the week we spotlighted an artist who gave easy listening pop artists the heavy metal band t-shirt treatment, and now the wheels of genre-swapping are spinning even harder.

Brazilian artist Rafa Melandi has incredibly taken classic metal album covers from the likes of Metallica, Pantera, Motorhead and others, and reimagined them as old jazz vinyl record artwork.

Melandi posted his work, titled Metazz, on Behance back on January 6, and the page has more than 75,000 views. In addition to giving the ’80s metal albums a retro jazz twist that suggests abstract designs of the ’50s and ’60s, at the bottom of his post he shows both the original artwork and his own work to show where his inspiration came from.

Below are our five favorite designs.

Be sure to check Melandi’s post for his full run of covers, and follow him on Instagram @rafamelandi. [Warning: His Instagram features a lot of beaches, clear skies, and beautiful weather. Ahh, Brazil in winter.]






[h/t Paste Magazine]