Get Down To This Sick Beat: Isosine brings together Taylor Swift and Nine Inch Nails

“Hey, hey, hey! Just think, while you been getting down and out about the (terrible) liars, and the (empire of) dirty dirty cheats of the world, you could have been getting down (in it) to this… sick… beat.”

A producer named Isosine has answered our prayers this week, mashing up Taylor Swift’s still-awesome “Shake It Off” with Nine Inch Nails’ 1998 industrio-jam “The Perfect Drug.” It’s totally weird, but totally works, and never has Trent Reznor’s voice sounded so bubbly. As Swift knows all too well, the players gonna play, and the haters gonna play Pretty Hate Machine.

Neither Reznor or Tay Tay have responded to the recent collaboration via Twitter, but if this brings these two songwriters together IRL, then we all owe Isosine a drink. Perhaps they’ll cross paths at this weekend’s Grammys and start brainstorming on some real collabos.

Listen to the mashup, casually titled titled “Taylor Swift vs. Nine Inch Nails – Shake It Off (The Perfect Drug),” below…