Three days after a devastating Super Bowl loss, Russell Wilson is now quoting Kurt Cobain

Today will go down in history for Patriots Nation — Rob Gronkowski got wasted with everyone in Boston, Julian Edelman stole the heart of every lady in New England, and the Super Bowl champions rolled through the city like kings. It was one of the most celebratory days in Boston’s 385-year history. Even with all this freakin’ snow.

Across the country, however, the Seattle Seahawks are still licking their wounds, bounced from glory by a miraculous Malcolm Butler interception in the waning seconds of this past Sunday’s epic title game.

And now Seahawks QB Russell Wilson is on Twitter quoting Kurt Cobain, the late Nirvana frontman who shot himself dead in 1994. Uh-oh.

“I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not…”, Wilson tweeted out a few minutes ago, complete with Cobain citation, following up what we think was a Train reference and a few religious proclamations.

We understand the hometown pride and all, but this just seems… concerning. And it certainly illustrates the difference in emotion between Boston and Seattle, three days after one of the greatest games in sports history.