New Somerville live music venue Thunder Road reveals its first rock show listing

While new Somerville rock club Thunder Road isn’t scheduled to open until sometime in March, the Union Square joint now has its first official show listing: New York rock dude Jesse Malin, appearing on April 9.

It’s important to note that the Malin gig, which serves as his Boston-area record release party for new album New York Before The War, isn’t the grand opening of Thunder Road. It’s just the first confirmed show, proving that things are coming along for the former spot known as Radio.

Last month we posted a few architect renderings of the venue’s front facade and new door area, and you can catch up on those here. While construction is ongoing — and a tad delayed this week due to the blizzard — we’re told that the Thunder Road stage has been built, the plumbing has been approved, and the bar gets installed next week. Thunder Road will also feature a restaurant, and there have been no hiccups on that front.

Thunder Road is the brainchild of Charlie Abel, former owner of Allston rock club Harpers Ferry (since revamped as Brighton Music Hall), and Rock On Concerts owner and longtime Boston booking agent Dan Millen, who had previously hosted shows around town at the Middle East, Church, Johnny D’s, and various other rock clubs. Millen is currently booking shows at Church and the Foggy Goggle in Maine.