My Own Hotel Prison: A ‘persecuted’ Scott Stapp reveals he’s broke and homeless in confessional video

Just in time for the holidays, Creed frontman Scott Stapp has taken to the internet to reveal he’s broke and homeless. In a very Real World-style confessional posted to Creed’s Facebook page this morning, Stapp says audits of the band have left him without any coin, but he’s still a Christian and he’s rededicated his life to Jesus Christ.

How much money has he lost? Well, he doesn’t say, but just stand there with arms wide open and it’s probably that much. He’s totally penniless, he says.

Stapp also says that he’s under attack from various people and/or things, like the taxman and the record company, but he’s clean and sober and trying to get his life back in order to help his two children.

“Money can make people do evil things,” he says.

The video is pretty long, but it’s worth a watch. “My civil rights have been violated,” he adds, noting he’s been living in his truck and a Holiday Inn. He’s gone days without eating.

He also is seeking an attorney, so if you can help him at that, go holla back…


Damn. That’s some crazy shit!

Of course, our friends at Metal Sucks adds some context to the situation

I know I should have more sympathy for Stapp, and if his worst offense was just making music I despise, I would. But let us not forget, the guy is also just an all-around douche. For one thing, this class act was once arrested for attempting to beat his wife with a glass bottle. Also, cheating your taxes when you make that much money is just gross, and doubly so when you claim to believe in God’s word. And finally… this whole story just smells bullshitty to me. The IRS froze his accounts and he was hacked and he’s living in a Holiday Inn because he has NO FRIENDS OR FAMILY that are willing to help him out? (Incidentally, Creed guitarist Mark Tremonti recently revealed that he hasn’t spoken to Stapp in years.) So, basically, the entire universe is conspiring against Scott Stapp. Sure, seems plausible and not all paranoid.