Holiday Bangover: The Daily Pravda drop new post-glam single in advance of Thanksgiving Eve

This week may be a shorty when it comes to the usual work slate, but waiting on the horizon is some straight up holiday chaos, first in the form of Thanksgiving dinner with unloved extended relatives on Thursday, and then the inevitable Black Friday tragedy bound to happen at your local Walmart or shopping mall.

As a bit of a tradeoff, we are getting a nice menu of Thanksgiving Eve live shows around Boston, a date traditionally reserved for going back to the suburbs to drink with high school buddies at the local town tavern. But social media has eliminated any need for us to see what Sully and Murph been up to in their miserable 30s, so instead let’s all hang with bands and see some music.

On our radar for Wednesday is the Daily Pravda’s show at the Sinclair in Cambridge, and to celebrate, the band that gave us a re-imagned Lana Del Rey for Halloween has birthed a new, original track called “The Morning Was The Worst Part.” It’s the first bit of new music from the post-glam rock band since last year’s Columbia record, and kicks off a series of new Daily Pravda singles to be released on a monthly schedule.

The new ripper of a song even references “the corner of Harvard and Comm” in Allston, which we’ll perceive as a shout out to the Pill dance party, which held court at that Great Scott location for ten years before ending a 16-year run last December.

The Daily Pravda are joined on Wednesday by the Sheila Divine, Mean Creek, and the Life Electric, making for one great excuse for showing up to Thanksgiving dinner with one motherfucker of a bang-over.

Listen and download “The Morning Was The Worst Part” via Bandcamp below…

Pravda Sinclair