Plow Hands: Buffalo snowstorm traps Interpol inside tour bus for past 2 days

Interpol have gone from El Pintor to El Winter.

The New York City post-punk band has been trapped in their tour bus for the past 40 hours or so, stuck in the middle of a Buffalo snowstorm that dumped five feet of snow around the region and killed four people. Last night, Interpol cancelled their show in Toronto after getting struck in the Upstate New York area traveling through from a show in Columbus, Ohio.

They have an off day today, then play Montreal tomorrow night and Boston’s House of Blues on Friday. No notice of cancellations have been issued, and everyone assumes Interpol will get out of there eventually. Right?

“Our bus is trapped in a snowstorm just outside of Buffalo,” Interpol wrote on their homepage yesterday. “We haven’t moved our position on the road in over nine hours. Unfortunately, we’ll have to cancel tonight’s concert at the Kool Haus. We were greatly looking forward to the show but the big bad winter has come early this year. We will be informing people of a new date as soon as we can.”

As Pitchfork and Stereogum report, guitarist Daniel Kessler and touring musician Brandon Curtis, ex-Secret Machines, have been tweeting their updates from inside the Interpol tour bus.

They have vodka and snacks to keep them warm.

Stay tuned…