Another Rainbow: Helmet is performing ‘Betty’ in its entirety at Brighton Music Hall

Perhaps lost in the shuffle of great albums celebrating its 20th anniversary this year was Helmet’s third record Betty, released in June 1994. Well, Page Hamilton’s work shall be overlooked no more, as the New York band today announced a series of Winter 2015 shows that kick off February 19 at Brighton Music Hall in Allston.

No openers: Just Betty in full, then a second set of other Helmet songs.

Holy shit. We just died unsung.

First the Ride reunion, now this. Good week for the ’90s.

“Our European Betty Anniversary tour has been such a resounding success, we’re pleased to announce a Betty tour of the United States in February 2015!” the band writes on its homepage. “Just as we did in Europe, we’re playing the entire Betty album from start to finish — even the difficult songs — followed by a second set spanning the entire catalog.

Also here’s Helmet’s message on its Facebook wall this afternoon, which includes all the dates:

You guys asked for it…

We’ve put together a handful of Betty US shows for 2015. Playing the album start to finish, followed by an entire 2nd set. No openers, just Helmet.

Tickets on-sale this Friday.

Feb 19: Boston Brighton Music Hall
Feb 20: Philadelphia World Cafe Live
Feb 21: New York The Bowery Ballroom
Feb 22: Brooklyn Saint Vitus
Feb 24: Lancaster Chameleon Club
Feb 25: Washington DC Black Cat DC
Feb 26: Durham Motorco
Feb 27: Charlotte Visulite Theatre
Feb 28: Atlanta The Masquerade

Helmet Betty