After Glow: Watch Johnny Marr perform the Smiths’ ‘There Is A Light That Never Goes Out’ in Boston

Credit: Kayley Kravitz

Who Needs Morrissey?

Last night, Johnny Marr brought his Playland tour to Boston’s Paradise Rock Club and treated fans to choice cuts from his latest LP alongside a bevvy of Smiths classics, including “Panic,” “the Headmaster Ritual,” “Bigmouth Strikes Again,” “Still Ill,” and “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.”

While everyone was caught up in the never-ending majesty of hearing the music of the Smiths in a live setting — and its guitar parts performed by the man who wrote and originally played them — one kind soul, YouTube user ceecoursian, took the time to actually capture “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out” on video. Watch Marr and his band breathe new life into a familiar favorite, and catch up with the guitarist with our Q&A from last week.

Sure it’s not Morrissey up there singing it, but chances are the Mozzer would have just canceled the show before it began.

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