I Missed You So Much I Followed You Today: Watch Oran ‘Juice’ Jones perform ‘The Rain’ with Jimmy Kimmel

It’s really been a banner year for musical performances on late-night television in 2014, but last night’s guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live might be our favorite ever. For his birthday, host Kimmel enlisted ’80s r&b singer Oran “Juice” Jones to perform his classic hit “The Rain,” which includes some of the greatest spoken lyrics of all time.

The premise of the song is simple: The Juice catches his girl out on a date with some “alley-cat-coat wearin’ hush-puppy-shoe-wearing’ crumb cake,” but instead of getting heated, he chills. That’s right, he chills, and stops financially supporting cheatin’ lady.

As Dave Chappelle would say, “Ya cut off!”

Jones retired from the music biz not long after “The Rain,” and honestly this is the first time we’ve ever seen him perform his classic one-hit-wonder track live.

From Kimmel Live:

“Jimmy only wanted one thing for his birthday this year and that was for Oran “Juice” Jones to come to the show and sing one of his favorite songs from the 80’s called “The Rain.” Jimmy, Guillermo, Cleto & the Cletones, and Scandal star Bellamy Young also make appearances during the performance.

Man, the Juice still got it. That shit at the end is legendary.

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