Buncha Savages: Someone jacked Tigerman WOAH’s tour van magnets, so go steal them back

Most bands have bumper stickers they stick to their tour vans. Massachusetts misfits Tigerman WOAH! have magnets. These are much more awesome, and changeable, but that also means any ol’ jerkoff from a broken home can come by and jack them right off their whip.

And of course that’s exactly what just happened. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Here’s word from the Tiger men, who want you to go out and steal those fuckers back…

“OK. It’s been a while since we’ve had a couple cool van magnets stolen from us that were gifts from our friend Teddy before our first tour earlier this year. They are the round white magnets with orange lettering that appear in the ‘Old Plank Road’ video, as well as in the pic above with one of our fans, and in the pic from when we met Dave and Taylor from the Foo Fighters in Nashville.”

“We’ve come to terms losing them and have decided that this would be the best way for us to have the last laugh; If you see one of these magnets WE WANT YOU TO STEAL IT! Seriously. We want to start a game and see where in the world these things will wind up! If you see one of our magnets, steal it, take a pic, post it to @TigermanWOAH> on our Twitter or Instagram with where you are and the hashtag #WoahMagnet. Then pass it on or leave it for someone else to partake in the heist!”

Let the games begin.

Catch Tigerman WOAH! this Saturday at the Middle East in Cambridge with O’Death, then November 22 at Empire in Portland, Maine, with the Silks, then December 14 at the Boston Music Awards at the Liberty Hotel.

Be on the lookout:

Tigerman magnet