Expect The Unexpected: Azealia Banks drops the long-awaited ‘Broke With Expensive Taste’

Oh snap, Azealia Banks just pulled a Beyoncé. Well, kinda.

The New York rapper FI-NAH-LEE dropped her long-awaited Broke With Expensive Taste album today, tossing it up on iTunes without any real warning. But unlike the unexpected Beyoncé album we got nearly a year ago, today’s Banks record comes with the years of anticipation that built after the release of “212” back in December of 2011.

That feels like a million years ago. Or as Noisey points out, 1,066 days ago.

Breakout jam “212” — which still sounds as lethal as it did three years ago — is included here, along with the more recent single “Heavy Metal & Reflective.” There are 16 songs in all, and it’s great to finally see what’s been at the center of all those record label squabbles since Banks first threw down with Lazy Jay.

Check a preview of the record via Soundcloud.

This is exciting.