Goodness Gracious: Ellie Goulding called ‘racist’ after dressing as a Native American for Halloween

Not long after British music festival Glastonbury took steps to ban Native American head dresses, UK pop singer Ellie Goulding has ruffled some feathers by dressing up in full native garb for Halloween.

Goulding posted the photo on Instagram, and the backlash has been feverish. According to the Mirror, ‘one user [is] saying it’s “no different than wearing black face.'”

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The singer posted a snap of her in the huge headdress and tasseled dress on Instagram recently, but was immediately inundated with insults, with users calling it “insensitive” and “deeply offensive”.

Despite her removing it, the insults continued on Twitter, with others accusing her of being “racist”.

One user event wrote: “Oh Ellie I’m so disappointed. No different than wearing black face.”

Another added: “Next time don’t mock a dying race you insensitive and ignorant excuse of a person.”

The image has apparently been deleted from Instagram, but Goulding has yet to address the reaction to her costume. Here is the alleged offending image, un-obscured:


Another photo of her in a head dress can still be found via her twitter.

A photo posted by elliegoulding (@elliegoulding) on