Vanyaland Premiere: The Luxury get political with Election Day video for ‘All I Ever Do Is Win’

Today is Election Day across our great land, where a frighteningly small percentage of American citizens head to the polls to settle the nation’s issues and determine our leaders. We voted for Anna Kendrick as a write-in on each ballot, which makes for an interesting “Don’t Blame Me…” bumper-sticker. But in reality today’s a pretty important day.

So important that Boston rock band the Luxury jumped into the political area with a new video for “All I Ever Do Is Win,” and it wouldn’t be out of place running on television during commercial breaks during Jeopardy rounds.

It features some familiar faces, like Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, and Mitt Romney, with historical quotes layered over their shit-eating-grin faces to provide a new kind of context.

“Watching people bitch on social media during an election season reminds me every single time how ridiculously divided we are and how much of that division is intentionally fashioned by people with shitloads of money.” the Luxury’s Jason Dunn tells Vanyaland. “Yeah, lesser of two evils, everyone’s bought and paid for, etc. etc., but if you can recognize the greater of two evils, shouldn’t you vote against it, at the very least?”

Dunn adds: “So even though the album proper comes out in January, I thought some pertinent quotes and photos and a peppy tune about having the wool pulled over your eyes might at least get a few people off the couch to vote, even if they don’t agree with me personally. I think the opening quote from Lincoln sums the whole thing up. I don’t want political ass-blisters, neither should you.”

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