Fall Swing: Listen to the Dirty Bangs new guitar-rock earworm and go to their first show next week

Credit: Martha Boisselle

It’s been a hot minute since we last heard from Cambridge’s Dirty Bangs, who were busy filling out springtime rock and roll playlists by telling us how much they loved the summertime. But like Exposé assured us back in 1987, “season’s change, feeling’s change,” and now it’s autumn and the Bangs — Evan Kenney, Steve Lord, Jesse Vuona, Mikey Holland, Ben Vosk, and Anthony Valera — are getting ready to play their first live show.

To get us jazzed up, new single “Cheap Time” is a feisty guitar-rock number that takes the right cues from early-80s post-punk and soaks it in your drink of choice. It’s the latest in a string of online singles that point towards October 23, when Dirty Bangs hit the stage at the Middle East in Cambridge. Listen to it below.

Meanwhile, that Mid East show should be a good one.

It’s dubbed Fast & Loud and a tag-team Halloween effort from Narraganset and Cutty Stark and features Rhode Island rock brigade the Silks, as well as New York upstarts Dough Rollers, who are loved by Jack White and feature spawn of Harrison Ford, Gabriel Byrne, and Ellen Barkin (but not all at once).

Fire up the tune below…

Dirty Bangs Flyer