Surprise! Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds return with striking new single

Last we heard from Noel Gallagher on these pink digital pages, someone had unearthed a quote from a few years ago where he stated that once U2 start giving albums away for free, the music industry is truly fucked.

So it’s probably no surprise the former Oasis guitarist will be asking fans to pony up the pounds for new album Chasing Yesterday, which will be out in March 2015. But judging from the striking new single “In The Heat Of The Moment,” which Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds just dropped this morning, it’ll be worth the cost.

“In The Heat Of The Moment” is officially out next month, but you can hear it below via YouTube teaser clip. Noelly G and his Birds released their debut record in 2011. Fingers crossed for a North American tour next spring…

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