The Syllabus Life: Watch Suede’s Neil Codling give a music tutorial for Berklee Online

Neil Codling is teachin’ the kids.

The Suede multi-instrumentalist is the first musician to take part in the Berklee Online Musicians’ Tips & Tricks series, where notable names from around the world give online tutorials.

No, smoking cigs and looking posh as fuck aren’t on the syllabus here, but the Cod does give some tips on tracking drums and acoustic guitar, programming, and the lessons of Brian Eno and producer Ed Buller.

It’s a pretty informative clip.

Berklee and Codling first started corresponding over twitter about a free tuning app that Codling was fond of, and the two decided to team up for the first installment of the Tips & Tricks series.

And speaking of Suede (which we do a lot around here), the band’s landmark 1994 album Dog Man Star — released just before Codling joined the band — celebrates its 20th anniversary next week, and in addition to a New Ordered feature on the record, we’re celebrating its full majestic glory with another Britpop Social Club on October 9. Flyer and info after the video jump.

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