Newer, Clearer Sounds: Listen to the new solo single from Ash’s Tim Wheeler

Northern Irish guitar-rock band Ash have remained one of the more underrated acts of our lifetime, releasing two killer post-Britpop albums (1996’s 1977 and 2011’s Free All Angels) and remaining relevant well into the 2000s.

Now it seems frontman Tim Wheeler, genuinely one of the nicest gentlemen in rock and roll, has gone solo. “Vigil,” the first cut off November 3’s Lost Domain has surfaced via Youtube, and it’s a pretty catchy tune. It has a bit of a Chris Martin, singer-songwriter, British “arena rock” vibe to it, but we realize you can’t be banging out “Lose Control” and “Angel Interceptor” well into your 30s. It’s got a rather mature sound, and that’s expected from a guy that wrote most of his famous band’s biggest hits as a teenager.

Also, we looked up, and it belongs to some old dodgy singer from Detroit, so maybe that’s where the Lost Domain title comes from, we don’t know.

What we do know is that there’s also a Pledge Music pre-order campaign surrounding the release of the record, with 10 percent of all money going to the Alzheimer’s Society. So check that out while you listen along.

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