Oh for the love of God Maroon 5 went and covered ‘Sex And Candy’ by Marcy Playground

Just when it felt like Thursday was morphing into a Friday and we were all barreling head-first into a four-day Labor Day weekend, along comes this bullshit to derail the sense of calm and tranquility we may have had.

Maroon 5 have gone and covered Marcy Playground’s ’90s one-hit-wonder semi-classic, “Sex And Candy,” turning the alt-rock tune into a kinda creepy slow jam. You can ruin your day (and possibly weekend) by listening to it below.

Disco lemonade is optional.

Last month, Maroon 5 teased their upcoming LP V by unveiling the track listing online, and it included 11 album cuts featuring titles you expect from Adam Levine and three additional b-sides. One of the b-sides was labeled “Sex And Candy.” Billboard wrote: “The bonus cuts include ‘Lost Stars,’ Levine’s solo contribution to the Begin Again soundtrack, and “Sex and Candy,” which very well could be a cover of the ’90s classic hit from Marcy Playground (if not, that’s a suspiciously similar title).”

Well Valhalla, here we are. Looks like the song will be included on the album’s deluxe edition.

V, deluxe and otherwise, is out September 2.

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And here’s the original. That cute, quirky original. Now long gone.

[embedvideo id=”-KT-r2vHeMM” website=”youtube”]
