Goodnight, Sleep Tight, Let The Bed Bugs Bite: Read Do617’s Allston Christmas poem

Our partner site is so jacked up for Allston Christmas, it unveiled a pretty sweet poem to get us all in the proper holiday spirit. So while you cruise the streets around Boston looking for new furniture, or maybe a new boxspring, this weekend, keep Do617 in mind.

It’s like they’re leaving concert tickets out there on the sidewalk, and these tickets don’t come with bed bugs.

From the Do617 blog:

A few years ago wrote a great “Twas The Night Before Allston Christmas” poem that captured the true essence of our city’s most screwed-up holiday, where scores of students move out of their domiciles and leave tables, chairs, bookshelves and all kinds of other reusable crap (“Ooh! IKEA!”) for others to pick off the sidewalks.

With Allston Christmas right around the corner, we wanted to get into the mood and celebrate Do617 style. Here’s our take…



Twas the night before Allston Christmas, when all through Boston’s heaven,
Not a single event was missing, up there on Do617.

The listings were hung, by the website with care,
In hopes to win tickets to Tom Petty’s Fenway affair.

The holiday weekend would arrive, without much delay,
The end of the summer, we dub Labor Day.

From cookouts to concerts, tonight and tomorrow,
And the college kid in the U-Haul, getting stuck under Storrow.

The shows they were plenty, the listings got fatter,
We decorated the homepage, to keep up with the matter.

The Middle East, T.T.’s, Great Scott and the ‘Dise,
Brighton, HOB, Church and Wilbur should suffice.

The college kids are here, it’s a situation that’s tough,
Let’s open our hearts, and teach them to Do Stuff.

But no matter how you spend your Allston Christmas, be kind,
With all our exclusive ticket giveaways in mind.

Hang with Bill Belichick, and the Patriots, too.
Bring your bud from high school, or your Tom Brady-loving boo.

Or score a pass to our music fest, the three-day Boston Calling,
Just don’t miss the Replacements, because that’d be appalling.

Neil Young, the Eagles, Ed Sheeran, Jack White,
We have the hookups to fill nights with delight.

Enter them all, go ahead, go be a hog,
And get your show announcements first, via the Do617 blog.

No matter how you spend Allston Christmas,
Don’t sweat those bed bug bites.
Have a great holiday weekend,
And with Do 617 — even better nights.

xo Do617