Prom King: Dave Grohl and Foo Fighters recreate ‘Carrie’ for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Just when you thought everyone had taken part in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, along comes Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters to take it to the next level — all while recreating one of the most classic movie scenes of all time.

Nominated by Zac Brown, Grohl merged the summer’s biggest fund raising effort with the climatic prom scene in Brian De Palma’s 1976 horror classic, Carrie. Just go with it instead of pig’s blood and you have both a worth cause and way less of a mess.

Let’s just hope Grohl’s donation matched the production costs of the clips below. We’re sure he came correct.

To pay it forward, Grohl went on to nominate Jack Black, John Travolta, and Stephen King, who wrote the original Carrie novel a few years before it was turned into a film.

Those candidates have 24 hours to respond, and they have one tough act to follow.

To donate to the cause, with or without ice, click here.

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