Video: Trash Talk use a beer can to destroy a quadcopter drone camera during a show in Detroit

When Sacramento hardcore punk band Trash Talk is performing live, nothing can be considered a safe space.

Even the air up above the stage.

Over the weekend at a skateboarding event in Detroit, Trash Talk bassist Spencer Pollard took out an event photographer’s quadcopter drone camera with a beer can. Apparently the photographer had the event organizer’s permission to fly the drone during Trash Talk’s set — and the video footage is pretty cool — but hey no one told the band and they shot it down with a couple of boozy air strikes.

No one was hurt after the drone crash landed in the photo pit.

Here’s more from PetaPixel:

While filming a national skateboarding event in Detroit on Saturday, drone photographer Harry Arnold of Detroit Drone had his RC copter knocked out of the sky and broken by a punk rock bass player who decided to throw things at the UAV after finishing a song.

Arnold was hired to film the Zumies Best Foot Forward indoor skateboarding event by the event’s promoter, but apparently the promoter didn’t let the punk rock band Trash Talk know that this would be happening… or that it’s rude to break other people’s things.

Moments after his drone — which he designed and built himself from various kit and RC modeler parts — and GoPro took to the skies over the stage, bassist Spencer Pollard set his gear down and began chucking things at the drone, eventually knocking it out of the sky. As you can see in the video above, it lands with a rather cringe-inducing crunch.

The event promoter has promised to pay for the damages, but no money has changed hands just yet. We’re anxiously awaiting comment from Trash Talk, as well. People posting on the band’s Facebook page have called the action a “dick move,” among other things, and asked Pollard to compensate the photographer.

Here’s the clip:

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