BlackWolfGoFundMe: Fundraiser launched to offset Darryl Shepard’s rising medical costs

A Go Fund Me page has been established to help pay some of the medical expenses of longtime Boston music scene fixture Darryl Shepard.

Created by Jerry “JR” Roach of Goddamn Draculas and Sam Black Church, the campaign has a targeted goal of $7,500, which Roach says will go to offsetting the costs of several ongoing medical issues.

Shepard, a guitarist in bands like Milligram, Roadsaw and solo project Blackwolfgoat, suffers from a range of ailments, including Hordeolum, Coronary Stent, Cervical Radiculopathy — all of which kinda sound like metal band names, and are just as serious.

The Go Fund Me page has already generated nearly $300 after being launched this afternoon. Here’s what Roach wrote in the Go Fund Me campaign description:

Hey folks, our good friend and intrepid rocker, Darryl Shepard, is in need of our help. Darryl has numerous medical issues, including: Hordeolum, GERD, Coronary Stent, Cervical Radiculopathy, Pacemaker (permanent), Hx of Depression, Hypothyroidism, SVT (Supraventricular tachycardia, Hyperlipidemia, Cardiomyopathy (Ischemic), Status Post Myocardial Infarction (anterior wall), and Coronary Artery Disease.

He has been a fixture in the Boston music community for over 25 years, having played with acts such as: Slapshot, Blackwolfgoat, The Scimitar, Slaughter Shack, Hackman, Roadsaw and Deslok, among others.

Despite having a fulltime job, and health insurance, Darryl, is badly in need of assistance in covering medical expenses. We’ve set the goal pretty low in hopes that people will be more than generous. There are no reward levels, but an incentive or two, are being considered. Helping a friend should be reward enough.

Please give what you can. It would be literally life-changing for Darryl.


And here is an embed that takes you right to the Go Fund Me page…