Pledge campaign launched to aid the hip replacement of Derek Archambault (Defeater, Alcoa)

We know this sounds crazy, but we’re gonna ask you step away, just for one moment, from the Kickstarter page launched by that potato salad guy. There are certainly more worthy causes in the growing world of crowd-funding, and the latest comes from Derek Paul Archambault of Boston hardcore/punk band Defeater, who is also known for his New Hampshire-based solo project, Alcoa.

A Pledge campaign has been launched for Archambault to offset costs of hip replacement surgery and the rehabilitation that follows.

Archambault is faced with mountainous medical costs to replace his hip, a condition that has forced his projects to cancel tours and unable to perform live. Very expensive hip replacement surgery appears to be the only solution, so Archambault is stacking the Pledge deck with exclusive items for each donor, from downloadable music to t-shirts to limited-edition posters designed from the original letters used in Defeater’s “Letters Home” artwork.

Archambault penned a note to his Pledge campaign, so we’ll let his own words carry the weight here and post it below. Check out some of his music, as well.

New EP for Hip Replacement: Be a part of getting Derek healthy again so he can get back on the road with his various projects.

Many of you have expressed concern upon noticing the issues I’ve have with my hip and left leg. For many months now I have been battling with the pain, immobility & the fact that I am in desperate need of a hip replacement. (Under the opinion and recommendation of two different doctors and one surgeon). After having surgery scheduled and then cancelled by insurance, I was forced to ask my band to withdraw our position on The Wonder Years tour. Playing music and having the opportunity to share experiences with fans of Defeater & Alcoa have been the only things I’ve ever felt really validated my passion as a musician. It truly breaks my heart to have to turn down those opportunities because I cannot afford to risk my hip breaking as well as having this procedure done on my own. Warped Tour, The August Burns Red and Caspian tours left me feeling like I couldn’t put as much into physically playing and performing as I very much want. And having to cancel The Wonder Years tour was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make.

All of this has brought me to do something many of you will know is out of character for me. I need to set aside my pride and ask for the help that so many of you have offered over the past year. And before going any further, I would like to thank each and every one of you that has wished me well, shaken my hand, sang along, and been more supportive than I could ever dream of.

Without insurance, the cost for the surgery amounts to $50,000, including different programs helping to lower the cost. And even after cost of the surgery, anesesthia, hospital bills, etc, there is rehabilitation and physical therapy as well. Before I go ahead and ask for a handout, I want to make it known that you will be given the opportunity to gain something as well. We have worked together to come up with a few different packages in return for your financial help. After speaking with the hospital, I am certain that this can be taken care of fairly quickly, thus leading to more time spent on the road making up for lost time, however, the cost has to be paid in full on the day of the surgery. Once we reach our goal, surgery will be scheduled immediately. I know this is a lot to ask & this is a huge number. I am asking for help, and that is a risk I am willing to take as I am simply all out of options. If you decide to donate towards the cause and receive one of the options listed, you will also be asked if you would like to donate additional money. If you have any more to give I appreciate it more than you know. If not, I completely understand & I am incredibly grateful for your support. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope to see you on the road soon with Defeater and Alcoa doing what I know best.

Derek Paul Archambault