Yokels Only: So which one of yous created the Coston Balling Fusic Mestival page?

Ladies and gentlemen, make way for the Coston Balling Fusic Mestival.

Or don’t.

Someone created the Boston Calling parody page earlier in the week, and now, apparently, anyone can play it. We don’t know when it’ll be, we don’t know who’s behind it, and we don’t know how good (or bad) it’ll be. But we do know it’ll take place (not really) on City Hall. And the Cat in the Hat has replaced the Boston Terrier in the Boston Calling logo.

“Anyone can play this music festival,” the page writes. “First come first serve. No matter how bad your band is, feel free to apply.Just post a link to your band on our wall! Good luck!”

And there’s already a taker.

“We’ll totally play some tunes for Custom Balling – we can bring speakers and a bad attitude,” writes Mike Deezy.

Among the Coston Balling Fusic Mestival’s “likes” are WEMF, WAAF, and Ernie & the Automatics.

Lookout, world.

September’s Boston Calling — the real one — goes down September 5, 6 and 7 at City Hall Plaza and features Lorde, the Replacements, the National, and others.

BosCall Day Fall