Caturday Night Fever: Do617’s Last Call returns this weekend with Tigerman WOAH and Yellabird

There is the Rumble curse and there is the Rumble plague, but what about Rumble fever? What if you just want to keep partying with bands of the 2014 Rock and Roll Rumble deep into the summertime? Do617’s Last Call to the rescue.

After jamming out with Doom Lover last month, the free live music series — yes, Do617 is our sister site, so we’re helping spread the word — returns to Brighton Music Hall in Allston this Saturday night, June 21. The rock and roll jamboree features two recent Rumble vets: Prepare to ride dirty on a double-shot bill with Boston Calling’s hometown reppers Tigerman WOAH, who smear the grit of Lynn, Massachusetts across your preconceived wussy notions of Americana; and the full-wingspan rock and roll flight of Yellabird, who will be joined by very some special guests. Rounding out the animal-mad bill is DJ Panda, spinning the dusty rock before between, and after the bands.

That’s a lot of creature magnetism in the name of rock.

The lineup also inspired one of the best show flyer evarrrrrrr, the #TigerBirdPanda created by Boston designer Alex Carlson. Check out the bands below, as well as the poster, and get on the Last Call guestlist — the party is FREE With your RSVP.
