Don’t Slow Down: Watch Drowners perform a live mini-set for KEXP in Seattle

With all due respect to Portland’s Wild Ones, New York’s Drowners remain our favorite band that shares its name with a Suede song. We’re still reeling a bit from their Great Scott show here in Boston a few months back, where Matthew Hitt’s jangly modern indie compositions rang off the rock club’s walls like all the classic hits that soundtracked the room’s long-running Friday night dance party, the Pill.

As we await their return, Drowners recently dropped a live mini-set with KEXP in Seattle, and it tears through all the crowd-pleasers: “Ways To Turn A Phrase,” “Long Hair,” “A Button In Your Blouse,” and our Vanya Radio fave “Luv, Hold Me Down.”

That last one has us basking in all our Smiths and early Suede fanboy glory. Check out the whole set below…

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