Southern Bell: Watch Boz Boorer and Art Brut’s Eddie Argos find a nice ‘Girl From Atlanta’

Carmen Chaplin

Now that the Morrissey tour is over, guitarist Boz Boorer can turn his attention to more pressing matters. Like helping find Art Brut’s Eddie Argos a nice “Girl From Atlanta.” You know, the anglophile type with dyed red hair and a lip piercing. A real Southern Belle.

“Girl From Atlanta” is the duo’s new single, out June 20 on Fabrique Records, and we think it’s the best collaboration since Au Revoir Simone hooked up with Nikolai Fraiture of the Strokes on that Mazzy Star cover.

It’s actually quite good, with Boorer’s familiar guitar touch and the dry lyrical wit of Argos carrying the jangly pop song along.

And plus, we love Atlanta.

“The song is called ‘Girl From Atlanta’ and is actually more about my favourite city in America than any actual girl from there,” writes Argos on Lo Fi Punk Rock Motherfucker. “The first time Art Brut played in Atlanta we had a great night and ended up at a place called The Drunken Unicorn. I got very drunk and danced on the bar, I may even have rolled around on the floor a little bit too. The second time Art Brut played Atlanta we went back to the Drunken Unicorn and this time they were handing out flyers with ‘EDDIE ARGOS’S FAVOURITE CLUB NIGHT IN AMERICA’ written on them. I hadn’t told them it was my favourite club night — although it definitely very much was — they must have just seen the look of enjoyment on my face the previous time I was there and thought THAT MAN IS HAVING THE BEST TIME OF HIS LIFE.”

Amen. Check out the video below…

[embedvideo id=”GzcDe5Cal4U” website=”youtube”]

And the word on the tweet street from the artists themselves…