Bringin’ ’91 Back: Listen to Iggy Azalea’s ‘Fancy’ mashed up with Reba McEntire’s ‘Fancy’

In her certified Summer Jam “Fancy,” Australian rapper Iggy Azalea boasts: “Takin’ all the liquor straight, never chase that / Rooftop like we bringin’ ’88 back,” the latter half a lyrical nod to Nas’ “Made You Look.

But screw 1988, let’s bring it all back to 1991.

Dan Chamberlain of Chambaland Mashups has married Iggy’s “Fancy” with Reba McEntire’s country hit of the same title (a cover of Bobbie Gentry’s 1969 original, about a woman who overcomes poverty).

Lady Reba comes in hard in that chorus, and the country twang freshens up a song we’ve heard maybe a hundred-million times since February. But at the end of the day we do think it needs a just touch of Charli XCX.

Listen to the “Fancy” mash-up below.

[h\t Thomas Page McBee]