Over the weekend we reported on a brawl that broke out at Brighton Music Hall after a show by the Adicts was cut short. The UK punk band allegedly took issue with things being thrown at them during their performance, as well as repeated stage diving attempts by those in the crowd. Stage-diving is prohibited at the Allston rock club.
Now a new video has surfaced, showing a real hostility between the band and certain members of the crowd.
In the video below, the Adicts shop playing mid-song after one punk stage dives.
“Next one that comes up, I’m going off, and that’s the end of the show,” declares guitarist Pete Dee. He also called some in the audience “ignorant cunts,” and appears to have told security “let’s have a fucking riot.” He offered to meet the disruptive audience members outside after the show, and probably not to sign autographs and take pictures.
One audience member is heard yelling “You assholes are ruining the show,” and appears to get into a verbal match with someone close to her. The band then cut into their song “Easy Way Out,” but didn’t play for much longer.
On Saturday morning, the band addressed the issue on their Facebook page: “Last night’s gig wasn’t so pleasant due to certain people in the audience throwing beer bottles at us while being on stage… We’re sorry we had to stop the show but it wasn’t our fault…it was certain people within the crowd that ended up causing trouble for everyone.”
The tension and hostility between the band and the crowd is intense. Watch the video below.
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