CeeLo Mean: Watch a rejected Bruno Mars sing ‘Fuck you’ to a female fan in Oakland

Ever since we saw Bruce Springsteen’s “Dancing In The Dark” video in the ’80s, we’ve wanted our favorite rock star to call us out in the front row and invite us up on stage to dance. But not everyone shares that fantasy, apparently, and one Bruno Mars fan was met with some vitriol after she rejected the singer’s invitation.

Last night at Oracle Arena in Oakland, Mars invited a female fan in the crowd to come up on stage. When the probably-nervous, probably-embarrassed fan declined, Mars responded with a “fuck you.”

And even though he was singing, he wasn’t covering CeeLo.

From NBC Bay Area:

In a video posted to YouTube by user MrWakasik, a lady in the crowd refuses Mars’ invite to come toward the stage not once, but twice. Perhaps it’s the way he demanded her attention, saying, “Get your ass to the front of the stage, girl!”

As boos start to ring out, the star can’t believe it, exclaiming, “Did you see us at the Super Bowl, what?!?” Moments later, he hurls a four-letter expletive her way.

YouTube videos of the incident have been pulled since the footage first aired, but one user recorded the original YouTube clip on her phone before it was pulled. Watch it before the Mars Police snag that one, too.

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