Dance Mu$ic: The guy who wrote Saturday Night Live’s EDM parody song just got signed to Universal

Last weekend Saturday Night Live spoofed EDM culture with a new Lonely Island digital short called “When Will The Bass Drop?” Host Andy Samberg played an over-played and over-hyped EDM DJ named Davviincii, and well… we’ve all seen it: the clip has generated 5.7 million views on YouTube.

But behind the bags of cash and the exploding heads and Samberg’s reluctance to press that god-dammed button, there was a song. That song was written by 23-year-old San Francisco EDM producer Sam F., and now Sam F. has just signed a single-track deal with Universal.

We repeat: The guy who wrote a fucking EDM parody song just got fucking signed.

Vice’s Thump has the scoop, where Sam F. talks about working with the Lonely Island in the past, and how all this crazy shit unraveled in the past few weeks.

Insane and awesome all at once. Here’s a snippet:

“About a month ago [the Lonely Island] reached out and said they had an idea for a skit they wanted to do about EDM. They said they wanted an incredibly annoying track with one of those “stupid long builds.” I was like “OK” [laughs]. I didn’t really think much would come of it. I’ve worked with them a bunch and things haven’t really panned out as planned, but I figured why not.

I didn’t hear back for like a month and then Jorma [Taccone, of The Lonely Island] hit me up on Wednesday [May 14] and said that they were going to move forward. I was like, holy shit SNL is on Saturday! Initially they wanted the track to be dubstep but I convinced them that if we made it a big-room track it would get way more hype. I sent them videos of Martin Garrix and DVBSS and ended up just sending them the big room version of the track and they agreed. Dubstep is kind of out of the picture for making fun of at this point.”

Sam F. adds that the track is something he would have produced normally, but he appreciated the satire that went along with the SNL clip.

“Most of the stuff I do is big room and electro tracks,” he tells Thump. “It’s cool that I can make fun of EDM but also be pretty stoked on the track at the same time.”

Only in America.

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