Davvincii Code: Watch ‘EDM DJ’ Andy Samberg make heads explode in SNL’s ‘When Will The Bass Drop?’

Last night’s season-finale of Saturday Night Live, like most of its shows this year, was heavy on music: from St. Vincent weirding out America to 2 Chainz hitting the studio to Pharrell making a cameo in “Hugs.” But one of the best scenes came early in the show, when host Andy Samberg brought back his digital short series for an on-point skewering of EDM DJs, “When Will The Bass Drop?”

As wonderfully-named Davvincii, Samberg makes a room full of electronic music fans wait for that damn beat to drop, hovering over a Staples easy button while playing Jenga, frying eggs, creating sand art, and getting handed bags of cash and fistfull of credit cards.

Once the beat finally drops, Davvincii — help the help of Lonely Island partner Lil’ John — blows minds. Literally.

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