Tweet Is Murder: Morrissey claims that no, that’s not him on Twitter

Two days and five tweets into Morrissey’s dalliance with Twitter, the singer has said today that no, it’s not him firing off thoughts in 140 characters or less. File it under: Tweets of Refusal.

Our boy Moz took to usually-reliable fan site True To You today to deny he has been using the social media site for the past week, even though the account is verified.

Here’s his message, signed “Untwitterably yours”:

Moz twitter

This is all a damn shame, really, as Morrissey’s tweets were starting to get interesting — the first two were in his own “voice,” while the last three were more promotional, which seemed odd.

Here’s a look back at this fleeting moment in Twitter history; Moz’s new record World Peace Is None of Your Business is out July 15, and he plays Boston’s Opera House on June 7.