Cat Scratch: Tigerman WOAH + friends announce the Memorial Day weekend Boston Clawing party

Boston’s Tigerman WOAH are one of two local acts performing at the upcoming Boston Calling Music Festival later this month, but they’re apparently not just satisfied with playing the big stage at City Hall Plaza.

The always-hustling back-alley Americana band has announced the Boston Clawing party, presented by Narragansett and the team behind the SXNE party down in Austin, Texas.

The lineup is a Boston explosion of sounds, featuring the aforementioned WOAHs along with Oldjack, the Life Electric, Parlour Bells, Eddie Japan, the Silks, Chadley Kolb of Coyote Kolb, Airport, Friendly People and more bands to be announced.

With 20,000 or so people milling around Government Center once Boston Calling wraps up, this should be a good time. Plus, since it’s Memorial Day weekend, there’s no school the next day.


Oh, and the whole thing is free. RSVP for entry over at

Check out the very cool poster designed by Nicole Anguish of Daykamp (of course):
