These Charming Men: Listen to Skaters cover a classic from the Smiths for XFM

We’ve spilled a good bit of digital ink this year on Skaters, that pesky New York band with a Boston and London pedigree which has released one of our favorite tracks of the year in “Miss Teen Massachusetts.”

While the band’s debut LP Manhattan is still marinating around town and in the alleyways of the internet, Skaters decided to spice shit up in recent weeks by covering “This Charming Man” by the Smiths.

The track was recorded a few weeks ago for London radio station XFM (when in Rome, right?), and found its way to Morrissey fan sites for full scrutiny, but today was properly unveiled by Interview magazine and well now here we are.

Check out the tune below — certainly not the worst Smiths cover ever, though it’s hard to ruin such a classic track when playing it straight — and catch it on Vanya Radio this afternoon around 1pm EST.