Better Than The Pacers: Listen to ‘Solo Dancing,’ the new electro-pop jam from Indiana

The past few weeks have seen us Slow Dancing thanks to the fantastic Betty Who EP. But now it appears we’re “Solo Dancing” thanks to fresh-faced UK singer/songwriter Indiana.

The opening electro-pop throb reminds us a bit of the Chromatics’ “Tick of the Clock” off the Drive soundtrack, before the Nottingham musician douses it in her own flair, with a bit of Kylie, Gossip, and #Marottawave thrown in.

We’re expecting big things here. Oh, and word on the street is she’s named after Harrison Ford’s movie character Indiana Jones, and not the state. That would be gross.

It goes without saying, but we already added this to rotation on VanyaRadio. Hear it at 2:15 p.m. EST, or via Indiana’s Soundcloud below…