
Time To Pretend: Here is a suspicious 14-second clip of Leonardo DiCaprio dancing to MGMT @ Coachella

The biggest controversy of Coachella’s first weekend has emerged — is that really Leonardo DiCaprio dancing away to MGMT’s “Kids”? Jezebel seems to think so, even though we can’t get a good look at his face and the clip is only 14 seconds long.


Says Jezebel:

You can’t see his face in the video, but this Russian website has tons of proof (IF YOU NEED PROOF PAST YOUR FAITH IN THE GOODNESS OF THE COACHELLA GODS); also, TMZ points out that he was wearing that outfit in paparazzi photos.

Hmmm, we’re not sure. And that Russian website has been taken out to the Gulag.

We definitely pegged the Wolf of Wall Street as more of a “Time To Pretend” kinda guy, and even still — wouldn’t Gatsby have his own private backstage viewing area or some shit? He’s gotta dance with the common people down in the dirt?

We anxiously await a publicist’s denial on this one.

Anyway if it is him, he wasn’t alone in feeling MGMT’s sweet Connecticut vibes. Bullett Media points out that MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had himself a blast out on the Indio polo grounds.